Tuscany Yoga Retreat

10 September 2018
29 April/ 5 May
I am excited to spend a week together in the heart of beautiful Tuscany, exploring the mind, body and breath connection through yoga, meditation and short travelled plant based food.
We’ll be working towards finding a balance between strength and flexibility, activation and relaxation, movement and stillness, effort and effortlessness, doing and being.
As a teacher, I like to approach the sessions from an open-minded and accessible point of view, bringing joy into the practice, regardless of the student capability.
We’ll break down postures, work on drills for strength and flexibility…bend, invert… eat, “pray” and love!!
You can expect to sweat a lot, move a lot, laugh a lot and hopefully recharge your batteries and fill up your hearts through the yoga practice, the beautiful nature and the amazing surroundings offered by Toscana.
The retreat is suitable for both beginners and advanced practicioners.
Evening Post flight stretching/warm up + half Ashtanga primary led class
Morning Mysore class followed by Led class (2 groups)
Evening Workshop: TECNIQUE- build the foundations, focus on alignment.
Morning Mysore class followed by Led class (2 groups)
Evening Workshop: Developing your inner core – A fun, flow yoga class that focuses on core stability and increasing flexibility throughout our bodies. Core strength will help you align your body, build up protection for your lower back and help you move more efficiently. This flow is sure to fire up your core from all sides. Working your core from the front body, back body and side body using poses like navasana (boat pose), salabhasana (locust pose) and vasisthasana (side plank). We will also focus on jump back/through, L sit, frog jumps etc..
Morning Mysore class followed by Led class (2 groups)
Evening WS: Love your hips! A full class dedicated on discovering the hip joint and all the muscles around it. We will explore different positions from the more simple sitting crossed legged Padmasana style to the most complexed like leg behind the neck- EkaPadaSirsasana.
Morning Mysore class followed by Led class (2 groups)
Morning Mysore class followed by Led class (2 groups)
Evening WS: Detox flow: A power yoga flow that aims to detoxify the body via twists, hip and low back opening, as well as a decent amount of core work from our hands and backs. Through the use of specifically designed twists and compression poses you will rinse the spine and internal organs, riding them of harmful toxins. The result is a completely refreshed feeling throughout the entire body.
Morning Led Ashtanga class (1 group) followed by
Asana Fun workshop: a step by step work through exploring more challenging and fun asanas
The afternoon yoga sessions will be concluded with relaxation and meditation.
*The plan is subject to change
Francesca (“Chicca”) is a professional ballet dancer, certified yoga
instructor, model and now a Mum. She graduated from both La Scala in Milan
and Royal Ballet School in London.
From the age of 17, Francesca danced full time at Royal Ballet (London),
Zurich Opera House and Den Norske Opera & Ballett. Throughout her career she
has enjoyed the chance to perform on stages all around the world.
Her interest toward yoga started in 2007, as an hobby, to keep the body
healthy and to release physical and mental tensions created from the
strenuous ballet regime.
It was through an injury that yoga became her healing resource and her
She has completed the Ashtanga 500hr RYT TT with Basia Lispka Larsen, 100hr
RYT TT Yogicarts with Duncan Wong, 80hrs Dharma yoga wheel TT with Raquel
In 2017 she received an official authorisation to teach the Primary and
Intermediate series of Ashtanga yoga from Manju Jois.
Chicca practiced under the guidance of Sharath Jois, David Swenson and
Shelley Washington, Maniju Jois, Philippa Asher, Mark Robberds, Deepika
Mehta, Alexander Medin, Mark Stephens and more. She also studied nutrition
and is a pilates instructor.
She has assisted her teacher Basia Lipska Larsen and led classes in Purple
Valley Yoga retreat in Goa (Her Primary led is on YouTube under Purple
Valley yoga retreat center) and hosted her own retreats.
Yoga has quickly given her many new dimensions to the already extensive
experience with physical and mental exercises. Practicing and teaching yoga
has been a life changer and become a lifestyle for Francesca. Her passion is
to share her experience and knowledge, as well as continuously learning
more. @chiccayoga is known for bringing the balance of discipline and
positive energy to students and colleagues in the yoga community.
For more informations : chiccaballerina@hotmail.it
Booking: info@abbaziadispineto.com