Who to choose as a best man?

20 November 2018
If you imagine the day of your wedding, what do you see? Your loved partner, your friends and relatives, a beautiful location, a scented bouquet and classy dishes. But who do you imagine by your side as a best man during the most important day of your life? In the following paragraphs, we’ll help you make the right choice.
Some general tips
Sometimes parents want to decide your best men, but it’s actually really important to feel comfortable and choose someone who you rely on, either a brother/sister or a close friend. The only other person you should trust is your partner. You have to take your time and think about who is the best one.
Who is the wrong best man?
Premise: the wrong person doesn’t exist and you should choose someone with your view and thoughts. For example, if the wedding is simple and close, the best man should be someone silent and not too confusing. Vice versa, if you prefer a lively and powerful ceremony, the best men could prepare some jokes and surprises to enliven the party.
Who to choose: necessarily a couple?
If you have an engaged friend, this one and her/his partner may be a good idea but it’s not obligatory: you can choose two different people anyway. The one and only rule? Share your emotions and joy! But don’t forget to choose a person with your point of view, for example someone with a deep sense of religion would like a best man with the same spiritual view.
What should you ask to your best man?
There are some aspects of the wedding that you should discuss with the best men. For example the outfits and the overall wedding organization. Best men are also supposed to prepare the bachelorette and bachelor parties.
Other tips: who NOT to choose
Beyond the perfect best man, there’s also the worst best man: how to recognize and avoid him? Avoid the “forced” one: someone who is not so enthusiastic and is obligated to do it. Another fundamental tip: choose someone who loves you!
How to behave with your best man?
Always remember to ask him if he’s available and happy to accept this role. It’s also a tradition to thank the best man with a gift from the groom/bride. This will make him feel important and loved.